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✓ To be complete by class time

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Session 25: Honor & shame I: Genroku period’s Yoshiwara district, iki (chic, stylishness), giri-ninjō


Genroku period (late 17th c. – early 18th c.) including "Ukiyo" (the floating world, 浮世) and Yoshiwara (a district in Tokyo, 吉原) as common setting for Genroku literature
❖ Aesthetic term: iki (粋, chic)
❖ Conceptual frameworks: giri-ninjō (義理人情, obligations and love)

Thoughts—read before class, revisit for tests

Giri-ninjō is a set of terms that is sometimes taught incorrectly, and beware the web on this one. I will try to show the element of shame involved, and please avoid the tempting ego-id Freudian model. Shinjū is not that difficult a concept, but I would like to connect it with earlier ideas of musubu (bonding), trust, and personal boundaries..

Required—to be completed for today's session

Iki (bSpace, PPT)

Multimedia notes

❖ The film segments I screened were from Yoshiwara Enjō (吉原炎上, 1987 aka Tokyo Bordello). Many students would prefer that I use Sakuran (2006) but I think the sensibility of that movie is too modern and not helpful for the purposes of this class.


⇢ None, except the article listed below.


Terms and such mentioned this day that are not otherwise in an obvious place on the web site, the powerpoints, the assigned reading, etc. (to help with capturing items mentioned, perhaps quickly, in class, not for test purposes)

Read from Fujimoto Kizan's (藤本気算) Shikidō Ōkagami ("Great Mirror of the Way of Love" 色道大鏡, 1678) as translated in "She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not. Shinjū and Shikidō Ōkagami" by Lawrence Rogers (Monumenta Nipponica, Spring 1994), stable URL–

♦ Jomon ca. 11,000-300 BCE

♦ Yayoi 300 BCE - 300 AD

♦ Kofun 300 - 552

♦ Asuka 552 - 710

Nara 710 - 794 (Kojiki, Man'yōshū)

Heian One 794 - 900

Heian Two 900 -1185 (Kokinshū, Tosa Nikki, Tales of Ise, Izumi Shikibu Diary, Pillow Book, Genji, sponsored cultural salons)

Kamakura 1185 - 1333 (Shin-Kokinshu, Buddhist reforms in 1200s; Hōjōki; Tale of Heike; Essays in Idleness; Confessions of Lady Nijō)

Muromachi 1333 - 1573 (Northern Hills late 1300s, first half 1400s, Zeami & Nō drama) (Eastern Hills late 1400s)

♦ Momoyama 1568/73 - 1603/15 (Sen Rikyū & wabi-cha)

♦ Edo 1603-1868 (Genroku 1688-1704) (Narrow Road, Love Suicides, Ihara Saikaku) *graphic of complicated name designation systems for Middle Period eras

Quick links to aesthetic & related terms: iki, karumi, makoto, masurao, miyabi, mono no aware, mujōkan, okashi, sabi / wabi, taketakashi, wa

Thu, Aug 23, Sess01

Tu, Aug 28, Sess02
Thu, Aug 30, Sess03

Tu, Sep 4, Sess04
Thu, Sep 6, Sess05

Tu, Sep 11, Sess06
Thu, Sep 13, Sess07

Tu, Sep 18, Sess08
Thu, Sep 20, Sess09
Midterm 01

Tu, Sep 25, Sess10
Thu, Sep 27, Sess11

Tu, Oct 2, Sess12
Thu, Oct 4, Sess13

Tu, Oct 9, Sess14
Thu, Oct 11, Sess15

Tu, Oct 16, Sess16
Thu, Oct 18, Sess17

Tu, Oct 23, Sess18
Midterm 02

Thu, Oct 25, Sess19

Tu, Oct 30, Sess20
Thu, Nov 1, Sess21

Tu, Nov 6, Sess22
Thu, Nov 8, Sess23

Tu, Nov 13, Sess24
Midterm 03

Thu, Nov 15, Sess25

Tu, Nov 20, Sess26
Thu, Nov 22, Thanksgiving

Tu, Nov 27, Sess27
Thu, Nov 29, Sess28

Tu, Dec 4, RRR period
Thus, Dec 6, RRR period