
Canada is a wonderful country. In addition to the beautiful land and friendly people, it has universal health insurance and a viable leftwing political party. The following sites will tell you other reasons Canada is wonderful
This page had an old joke about Canada. If you're Canadian, don't click on that link; you've already heard the joke
This page:
Canada, generally |
Canadian News |
Canadian Geography and History |
Canadian Politics and Government |
Canadian Education |
Canadian Regions and Peoples
Canada, generally
- Canada Guide
- The Canadian Encyclopedia
- Canadian Studies: A Guide to the Sources - Bibliography with many Web links
- Canadiana - Digital collections from Canadian libraries and other cultural institutions
- Database of Online Canadiana - Extensive set of annotated links in many categories (University of Marburg, Germany)
- Government of Canada:
- Canadian Heritage
- Discover Canada - Guide for those interested in becoming Canadian citizens
- Statistics Canada
- Library and Archives Canada / Bibliothèque et Archives Canada:
Canadian News
- CBC - Canadian Broadcasting Corp.
- CNews - Canadian news []
- Globe and Mail
- Maclean's
- Canadian News
(What's this?)
Canadian Geography and History
- Atlas of Canada - Official atlas
- Canadian Geographic magazine
- Historica Canada - Encourages Canadians to learn their history; including Heritage Minute videos
- Museum of Canadian Civilization - Online exhibits on many aspects of Canadian culture
- Maps and Directions - Walking as well as driving directions for the U.S. and Canada
- Columbia Gazetteer of North America - 2000 ed. (Bartleby)
- Archive of American Images - Images (including maps) of the Americas, 1492-1825 (John Carter Brown Library, Brown University)
Canadian Politics and Government
- Canada site - Home page of the Government of Canada (
- Parliament
- ParlInfo - Parliament and the rest of Canadian government
- Open Parliament - Aggregates information about Parliament and its members
- Library of Parliament research publications
- Prime Ministers of Canada
- Canada International - Information about travel to or from Canada
- Constitution Acts, 1867-1982
Canadian Education
- Canadian Universities (Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada)
Canadian Regions and Peoples
- Encyclopedia of Canada's Peoples
- Encyclopedia of British Columbia []
- Munro's Books, Victoria, B.C.
- Royal BC Museum, Victoria
- Tourism British Columbia []
- U'mista Cultural Centre, Alert Bay, B.C. - First Nations museum and cultural education facility
- Virtual Vancouver
- Vancouver's West End
- Government of Nunavut
- Nunavut Tourism
- Nunavut Weather - Click on a town on the map (Meteorological Service of Canada)
- Territorial Summary - See readings for all towns
- Nunatsiaq News
- Kimmirut Weather and Webcam
- Native Land - Find the people native to lands in the Americas and Oceania
- Canadian Journal of Native Studies
- First Nations Periodical Index
- Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada
- iPortal: Indigenous Studies Portal (U. of Saskatchewan)
- Resources for Aboriginal Studies (U. of Saskatchewan)
British Columbia:
Nunavut - Canada's newest territory:
First Nations:
See also