Robert Teeter's Web Site: Site Map
These are the Web pages of a generalist librarian.
Use the search box at right if you don't see what you're
looking for.
Pages marked with a
are more than just links; they are pages where I have created original content,
annotated links, or transcriptions from other sources.
Home Page
- Water Librarians' Home Page

- Books and Libraries
- Books:
- Great Books Lists

- rec.arts.books page

- Bookstore Hall of Fame

- Books: General Resources and History of the Book Arts
- What Books to Read (Book Lists, Books for Kids,
Bibliographies, Reviews)
- Where to Find Books (Bookstores,
Publishers, E-Texts)
- Libraries:
- Library Directories
- Libraries by Country/Region: U.S.;
Latin America;
U.K. and Ireland;
Middle East, Africa;
Asia, Pacific
- Favorite Libraries
- Librarianship and Library Science, generally
- Journals, Blogs, Newsgroup, Associations
- Public Services (Reference, Reader's
Advisory, Interlibrary Loan)
- Technical Services (Acquisitions and Collection Development, Cataloging,
Classification, Subject Headings)
- Library Technology (including the Internet)
- Library Anecdotes, Facetiae, Satire, etc.
- Internet Indexes, Guides, Utilities, and Culture
- Pyramid Schemes

- Internet, generally
- Governance and Domains
- Social Aspects of the Internet; The Social Web
- The Web:
- Browsing the Web
- Web Subject Guides
- Web Search Engines
- Web Current Awareness
- Blogs
- Web Bests, Cool, Portals, Blogs, and Rings
- Cloud Computing and Open Data
- Web Development
- Web Design
- Web Coding (HTML, etc.)
- Web Scripting / Programming
- Other Parts of the Internet:
- One-to-One (E-mail, Instant messaging,
Internet talk)
- One-to-Many (FTP, telnet, gopher,
- Many-to-Many (Mailing lists,
Usenet, IRC)
- Generalities
- Ready Reference
- People (Biography, Finding People, Names, Genealogy)
- Language (Dictionaries, Usage and Grammar)
- Media (Magazines and Journals, Newspapers, Radio, Television)
- Directories (Postal, Telephone)
- Indexes - Sources for finding journal
articles, dissertations
- Fun Stuff (Weirdness, Fun News,
Fun Pseudo-Nation-States and Quasi-Religious Organizations, Comics)
- Arts and Humanities
- Science and Technology
- Social Sciences