
This page:
General Resources |
Journals and Mailing Lists |
Canterbury Tales |
General Resources
- Chaucer MetaPage - With links to all the best Chaucer sites and audio files of readings from Chaucer's works
- Harvard's Geoffrey Chaucer Website - Another great source on the poet's life and times
- eChaucer - Texts, translations, concordance, glossary, and more
- Geoffrey Chaucer (Luminarium)
- Geoffrey Chaucer: An Overall Survey - The author's life and works by Brother Anthony, Sogang University, Korea
- Baragona's Chaucer page
- The Chaucer Pedagogy Page - For teachers and students
- Mapping Chaucer - Map-based descriptions of places from Chaucer's life and The Canterbury Tales
- Geoffrey Chaucer Hath a Blog
Fun and Games:
Journals and Mailing List
See also
- Chaucer Bibliography, below
- Chaucer Review
- Studies in the Age of Chaucer - Annual of the New Chaucer Society
- Chaucernet, an online academic discussion group
Mailing List:
Canterbury Tales
- Canterbury Tales - Text (Librarius)
- The Electronic Canterbury Tales - Original texts, "translations," annotations, audio files
- The Open Access Companion to the Canterbury Tales - "A free, scholar-produced volume of introductory essays for first-time readers of Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales"
- Treasures in Full: Caxton's Chaucer - View the first two printed editions of the Canterbury Tales, published by William Caxton in 1476 and 1483 (British Library)
- Ellesmere Chaucer, Huntington Library, San Marino, California
- Harley Ms 7334 of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, British Library
- Hengwrt Chaucer, National Library of Wales
Early Manuscripts of the Canterbury Tales:
Chaucer Bibliography
- Chaucer Bibliography Online - Chaucer scholarship as listed in the bibliography of Studies in the Age of Chaucer
- The Chaucer Review: An Indexed Bibliography, vols. 1-30
- Essential Chaucer - Selected list of works from 1900-1984
- Thirty-Year Working Bibliography for Chaucer and Middle English, 1970-2000 by Derek Pearsall
- A Chaucer Bibliography - Long bibliography on many aspects of Chaucer's life, work, and times (Reimer)
- Chaucer: A Semi-Systematic, Serendipitous Bibliography (Baragona)
- Dunleavy Chaucer Collection (University of New Hampshire)
- Geoffrey Chaucer: Canterbury Tales - Part of an exhibit called "The Classic Text: Traditions and Interpretations" (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee)